
The Perfect Way to Structure a Blog to Engage the Audience

Are you ready to wow your blog readers, rank in search engines and boost social shares of your content for more visibility? But with almost 10 million blogs published every day, how exactly do you stand out? Our team have put together our top tips to ensure your blog page is always sharing valuable and engaging content.

30 Mar 2021

By Sydney

Writen by Sydney

Speak directly to your target audience

When crafting your blog posts, write as if you’re speaking directly to your audience - after all, this is the reason the blog page exists. Before you write a blog on your chosen topic, make sure you know the answers to questions like ‘why would someone keep reading this blog post’ and what will resonate with them?

Discovering what you know about your buyer personas and their interests while you’re coming up with a topic for your blog post will help you understand your tone of voice better.

Writing with SEO in mind

When writing your blog articles, it’s important to bear in mind SEO as it won’t perform well unless it contains information your target market actually wants to read. Using tools such as Answer the public or SEM Rush will help you discover popular questions and trends

The above points will help you understand how to approach topic ideas and how to talk to your intended audience, now we will go through how to structure your blog.

Use compelling headlines

Many people don’t read beyond the headlines, so it’s important that your headlines attract attention to ensure your audience wants to click through to read more. Short and sweet is the approach to take here with carefully selected wording that makes use of targeted keywords.

Get to the point quickly

Hook and reel the reader straight away, ideally within the first few sentences. If you weave together a long-winded opening the reader will most likely go elsewhere to find their information.

Write shorter sentences

Online content needs to be digestible as people will search for quick answers. That means shorter sentences, paragraphs, posts and breaking up your content with subheadings.

Use call to actions

All your blogs should have some kind of call to action to make the reader follow on with the action you would like them to take. Of course, every call to action will be different, but our top tip would be to add a call to action at the start of your blog post and at the very end.

Here are a few call to actions you can add to your blog posts to motivate your reader to create a response:


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